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A rotary control that can be clicked in is the primary control An on off press button turns the output power on and off.

Changing The View
Tap the On/Off button to toggle the output power. ON shows when power is on, OFF when off.
When the power in on, holding the On/Off button for three seconds to change the voltage to show input voltage or output voltage.
When the power is on, rotating the knob one click will cycle round current, power, capacity, energy and time.

Setting Normal Parameters
Click the knob briefly to enter voltage setting mode. CV flashes and SET is displayed. Click the knob again to change the units that will be changed (0.01, 0.1 or 1.0). Rotate the knob to change the value either way. Will go past single units, so large values can be set at a low units. Leave for a second to set the new value.
Click the knob for two seconds to enter current setting mode. CC flashes and SET is displayed. As above, click for units, rotate to change and leave to set.
Setting Options
With the ouptut power on or off, hold the knob for 5 seconds. You can rotate the knob to change values or click to move on to the next. Hold for another 5 seconds to leave options mode.

LVP (or LUP) sets the low input voltage cutoff value. When the input voltage falls below this value, the output will turn off and the display will flash LUP. This can be used to protect an input battery from over discharging.
OVP (or OUP) sets the output overvoltage cutoff. When the ouput exceeds this value, the output will turn off. This can be used to prevent overcharging a battery on the output.
OCP is the over-current value. When the output current exceeds this value, the output will turn off and flash OCP.
OPP is the over power value. When the output power exceeds this value, the output will turn off and flash OPP.
OAH controls the Ah delivered when the unit will power off. Flashing hyphens means no setting. Click the power setting to enable/disable.
OPH controls the Wh delivered when the unit will power off. Flashing hyphens means no setting. Click the power setting to enable/disable.
OHP controls the time until the unit will power off. Flashing hypens means no setting. Click the power button to enable/disable and click the know to switch from hours to minutes.
CV or CC flashing controls which will be changed when the knob is clicked in normal operation. Default is CV.
OFF or ON flash will control whether the output is powered ON or OFF when power is applied to the input.
Power, Energy and Time statistics can be reset when the output power is turned on in normal operation by holding the on/off button for four seconds.
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